CONGRATULATIONS Tamra! It is our pleasure to recognize Tamra Scott, Upstate Kinship Care Coordinator as Social Worker of the Month for July 2021.
It is an honor when those we serve take the time to let others know how much they appreciate our efforts and let us know we are serving well by seeing to it that there is official recognition. It may even be more of an honor when one’s peers choose to let it be known they appreciate a job well-done. That is what we have in Miss Tamra Scott.
“Tamra takes the time to ensure everyone involved in a kinship case is kept up to date,” said one co-worker. We all know communication is key to successful outcomes in any situation!
One family said, “Tamra was a lifesaver! She helped us every step of the way by explaining the process and what to expect. We couldn’t have done it without her.”
Congratulations, Tamra on a job well done! It is our privilege to honor you as Social Worker of the Month!