"Need To Know!"

One reason people succeed is that they have knowledge other people don’t.


All South Carolinians ages 16 and older are eligible for vaccination *The criteria above are subject to change. Most up-to-date criteria can be found athttps://scdhec.gov/covid19/covid-19-vaccine *DSS asks to be informed when youth 16 and older refuse vaccination. DSS in consultation with the youth’s parents, foster parents, and GAL will consider case-by-case whether to authorize vaccinationwhen youth 16 and older refuse vaccination.

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Foster Parent Facts Issue 4 (Feb 2021)

DSS efforts to strengthen families were highlighted in a recent article by The Annie E. Casey Foundation. The piece focused on DSS and other stakeholders’ work to build up our capacity for prevention. That’s done by providing earlier support and services to build family strength and avoid the need for involvement from the child protection system.

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