"Need To Know!"

One reason people succeed is that they have knowledge other people don’t.

Chasiti Washington – Midlands Kinship Care Coordinator

I am Chasiti D. Washington, Program Coordinator II/ Kinship Care Coordinator for the Midlands. I have been working for the Department of Social Services for 13 years. I am a key component with the development, research and implementation of Kinship. As a Kin First state, we would like to continue to educate, train, and provide more supports/resources for our kinship families. “Family is not an important thing. It is everything. -Michael J. Fox

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Jada Moody-Davis, Pee Dee Kinship Care Coordinator

I am Jada Moody-Davis, Program Coordinator II, Kinship Care for the Pee Dee Region. Employed with SCDSS for over 20 plus years, I strive always to embody the core principles of “competence, courage, and compassion.” I take great pride in seeing South Carolina, from its inception to now, being lauded as a “Kin First State!” After having worked in multiple areas and programs at DSS, to say I have found my home in Kinship Care is an understatement. We “meet families where they are,” providing information, support and resources helping children who are unable to live with their biological families, thrive. At our very core we work to strengthen families. I am a professional and champion for Kinship Care. Together, we will continue to make a difference as we continue to step in and step up to support, encourage, inform and engage our families, child welfare staff and partners.I always

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Arnetta Washington – Lowcountry Kinship Care Coordinator

I am Arnetta Washington, the Kinship Care Coordinator for the Low Country. I have been employed with SCDSS for 14 years. Kinship Care holds a special place in my heart. I’m still a firm believer that “It Takes A Village” and having relatives and/or fictive kin along with our agency and community to step up in a family’s time of need is what a Real Village is all about. (Multiple people coming together, for one common goal!) My hopes are that we can obtain/provide more resources and financial support for our Kinship Families, while being just as supportive to the staff.  SC is a Kin First state therefore, we will continue to strive to keep our children with Familiar FACES in Familiar PLACES. #KinshipCare

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