When I was in Foster Care as a teen, I used to always think about what it would be like to have my own family. I don’t mean having a mom and dad; I mean, I wanted to be a mom and a wife. I always wondered what it felt like to be raised in a home where you are loved and cared for in the correct way. I wanted to create memories with someone who was just as happy to be in that moment with me as I was to be with them. I wanted that deep connection love from someone. I definitely looked for love and connection in all the wrong places at first. I truly believe that’s from the trauma from my childhood and not having a great example growing up.
I was adopted into a single mother household. She did everything for me that anyone could possibly do. I think part of the trauma I had experienced before being adopted just had to be lived out and I had to grow and learn as a late teenager and early adult.
I gained three wonderful children from a very bad time in my life as I was still on the hunt for that true love and deep connection that I had wanted since I was a child. Then, I connected with the last person that I thought I would have that connection with – someone from high school. While I knew from the start that this would be the relationship I’d always hoped for, the timing couldn’t have been more wrong as I was actually pregnant with my 3rd son. He was aware and said that he didn’t care and still wanted to be with me because he had always had an attraction to my personality. We had known each other for about 7 years at this point.
We met for coffee and ended up talking for about 4 hours and had this instant connection. I knew from that first date that this was the person that I wanted to spend my life with. I felt the connection and the love that he had for me was so abundant that it gave me confidence that he wanted nothing but the best for me. He went with me to every single doctor’s appointment. We had wonderful dates and I finally had that love and connection that I so deeply craved.
We ended up engaged after 2 months of dating. I was so in love with him. We have been married over 2 years now and together have the sweetest little boy. All of my childhood hopes, such as getting married and raising children with someone who loves me and loves the children have become a reality.

We recently bought our first home. We go on vacation and get to take our four boys places I’d dreamed of going as a child and young teen. I am now living the life that I know “teenager me” would look up to and be so fascinated with because I have all the things I dreamed of as a child.
For more information on how to change lives like this one go to heartfeltcalling.org and start the application process. Hard times. Huge blessings.