"Need To Know!"

One reason people succeed is that they have knowledge other people don’t.

Care Coordination For Children in Foster Care

For children in foster care who have First Choice by Select Health astheir managed care organization, the following resources areavailable for foster parents and residential staff. For children who donot have Select Health, please contact the SCDSS Office of Child

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Independent Living Guidelines

WIC iThe South Carolina Chafee Independent Living Program And Educational and Training Voucher Program Guidelines for Services DSS Booklet 30258 (January 2018) Edition of MAR 2017 is obsolete….

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Guide to Foster Children and WIC

WIC is a federally funded health and nutrition program that provides healthy foods and nutrition information to keep children under five healthy. WIC offers you and your foster child nutrition education, tips on healthy eating, and referrals to other health and social services.

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No information on this site is intended to serve as legal advice.
What Non-Discrimination? It is the policy of the SCFPA not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability.
Disclaimer The SCFPA is providing the information on this website as a public service. All information on this site is intended to be accurate, complete, and timely; however, the SCFPA does not guarantee the accuracy of this information. This website contains links to other websites. The SCFPA does not endorse, insure the accuracy of, or vouch for the safety and privacy of any linked sites nor does it assume any responsibility for the content found on those sites. The links provided on this site are intended to support and provide more information about the SCFPA and Foster Care. It is the responsibility of the web surfer to evaluate the content and usefulness of information obtained from other sites. The SCFPA webmaster works diligently to make sure our site is accurate and timely. However, the immediate and fast-moving nature of this medium means that there may be links on this site that have changed or are no longer functional. We apologize in advance if this should occur and assure you that we are continually updating, reviewing, and improving our site and its content.